Capturing Moments in Time

Monday, May 25, 2009 | |

Photography (pronounced /fәˈtɒɡrәfi/[1]) (from Greek φωτο and γραφία) is the process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures. The word "photography" comes from the Greek φώς (phos) "light" + γραφίς (graphis) "stylus", "paintbrush" or γραφή (graphê) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", together meaning "drawing with light."

I decided to post a hand full of photographs that I've produced through out the past year. I am in no way a "real" or professional photographer and in a time when so many individuals have their fingers upon the trigger with the claim to be more than just your average hobbyist I feel it's important to say this.
True & honest professional photographers deserve more than an over saturated playing field soaked with one click wonders, wondering what depth of field refers to or how to get those fancy "streaks" while shooting their favorite local rock band.

Don't get me wrong, everyone has the right to take pictures no matter how beautiful or ugly, it's the claim to be a "photographer" that I feel should be left to those who eat, sleep and breath with a camera in hand.

So!! now that I got that out in the open here are some photographs I've taken. I leave it to you to decide which are interesting, beautiful, or the opposite.
